Fair Trade Stall

Where:  Church Foyer

Contact:   Andy Gazeley    024 7638 5354

Fair trade is about fighting poverty by ensuring producers get a fair return for their work. Fair trade companies help craftworkers and farmers across Africa, Asia and Latin America build a better future for themselves, their families and their communities. They also show that it’s possible to run a good business without exploiting people.

We at St. Paul’s believe that fair trade is a matter of justice and love. It is a way of loving our neighbours around the world. We support fair trade by selling a range of ethical and fairly traded goods on a stall in the Parish Centre foyer. We are also a Fair Trade Church using fair trade tea/coffee/sugar etc in our kitchen.

Why not have a look at the large selection of goods on offer on our stall and change someone’s life for the better.

We stock:

*Tea, Coffee & Sugar         *Cleaning products

*Cards for all occasions    * Pasta & Rice

*Socks                                * Savoury Snacks

*Chocolate                        * Gifts

*Sweets                              *Stationery